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Neurofeedback - eBioo Software

eBioo® Neurofeedback Software Version 2.0

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To playback DVDs eBioo® from version 1.85 on provides an interface, using the VLC media player - of VideoLAN.org as well.

Visit the internet site of VideoLAN.org and download the VLC Madia Player including DLL-drivers used in eBioo®

VideoLAN is a non-profit organisation. VLC is a free and open source cross-platform multimedia player and framework that plays most multimedia files as well as DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.

Alt. Download site at VLC.de (in German, Frank Bohling):

www.VLC.de - Hier erhalten Sie kostenlos mit einem Klick den VLC Media Player zum Direktdownload

Download  Documents Target Group Language

eBioo Manual

(Read or Download a preview of the eBioo Manual now)

Brain Task Map
Neurofeedback - Brain Task Map

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The international 10-20 System of Sensor Positions (according to Herbert Jasper, 1958)

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The international 10-20-System is the system of electrode/sensor positions on the scalp. In this standard system, used with Neurofeedback, 19+2 sensor positions and their names are defined. A more detailed system with 61 sensor positions exists as well, but for the most training purposes the system with 19+2 positions is sufficient.

This image of standard system with 19+2 positions can be opened and downloaded as PDF-file.

The international
10-20 System

International 10-20 System .PDF

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 Session Notes:

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 Brainmap Table:
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This table form is used be filled with Z-score values derived in an assessment. In this matrix form the form serves as supplementary aid to BrainMaps to give an overview simultaneously over significant Z-score values of a frequency band (in a column) as well as over a particular electrode site (in a row). This table form can support the training planing. The three most right columns can be used to be filled with significant Z-score values of coherences.

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Info  EEG Frequency Bands

Table: EEG-Bands

Frequency Band Frequency Range Characteristic


SCP (Slow Cortical Potentials) ( < 1 Hz )
Fluctuations in DC Potential (Instability)
1 - 3 Hz
Theta LoTheta 3 - 6 Hz 2 - 6 Hz Inattention,
Unconscious: Trauma Storage
HiTheta 6 - 8 Hz
Subconscious: Visualization
8 - 12 Hz 8 - 13 Hz Relaxation
Beta LoBeta / SMR 12 - 15 Hz
Relaxed Attention

15 - 21 Hz 15 - 24 Hz Concentration, mental Processing
HiBeta (Gamma) 21 - 38 Hz 24 - 38 Hz Over Arousal, Stress
38 - 42 Hz
(neuronal Reorganization)

www.Soft-dynamics.com 2009

 Montage Types

Referential, Bipolar and Laplacian Montage:

Placing the electrodes/sensors, three basic montage types can be distinguished: The referential, the bipolar and the Laplacian Montage Type. The later one is named after the french mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace who gave the name for the mathematical operation called the Laplace transformation.
The referential and the bipolar montages are 2-point-montages (1 active and 1 referential electrode) per 1-channel evaluation, whereas the Laplacian montage is a 5-point-montage (1 active and 4 referential electrodes around) for a 1-channel-evaluation.

More commonly used in daily practice are referential and bipolar montages/derivations:

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Image: Referential and bipolar Derivation - (Metaphorical Diagram)

Neurofeedback - Referential and bipolar Montage

A 1-channel referential or bipolar derivation consists of 3 cables (2 channels = 5 cables) , one for the active electrode, one for the reference electrode and one for the ground (GND) of the electronic unit.

At a referential montage the reference electrode is (virtually) located on a fixed potential, symbolized in the image above by the yellow flag on the mainland and the active electrode symbolized by the blue flag. This way the blue flag indicates the wave movements in reference to the mainland, but also the movements of the tides in reference to the mainland.

At a bipolar montage both electrodes are located on active ground, symbolized by the green and red flag in the image above. Thus the bipolar montage indicates the wave movements but the tide movements (long distance effect) are eliminated - i.e. are not part of the measurement.

 Z-score Training

Z-Score Statistics:

The z-score value is a term from statistics and expresses how far a measured value (in Neurofeedback e.g.: amplitude, relative amplitude or coherence of a frequency band) of a test person is apart from the statistical average value of a reference group.

A z-score value of 0.0 indicates that the measured value of the test person is the same as the median of the reference group (50% of that reference group have a higher and 50% have a lower value). A value of +1.0 indicates that the measured value is greater than the average of the reference group, namely that (in the mathematical ideal case) 84.1% of persons of the reference group have a lower value (accordingly with a z-Score value +2.0 = 97.7%; 3.0 = 99.9%). At negative z-score values, the measured value of the test person is lower than the corresponding average of the reference group.

A z-score training concept assumes that with present deficits in health or performance the state can be improved towards "normalcy" by training toward smaller z-score values (ideally, against 0.0).

Table: Relationship between z-score and the portion of a reference group

Relative proportion of a reference group with a
z-Score Φ(z) higher lower


+3.0 0.4987 49.87% 0.13% 99.87%
+2.0 0.4772 47.72% 2.28% 97.72%
+1.5 0.4332 43.32% 6.68% 93.32%
+1.0 0.3413 34.13% 15.87% 84.13%
0.0 0.0 0.0% 50% 50%
-1.0 0.3413 34.13% 84.13% 15.87%
-1.5 0.4332 43.32% 93.32% 6.68%
-2.0 0.4772 47.72% 97.72% 2.28%
-3.0 0.4987 49.87% 99.87% 0.13%
www.Soft-dynamics.com 2009 .. 2011

( see also: Wikipedia - Z-Score or Statistics of a Gaussian distribution )

External Links  Video Files for Neurofeedback Target Group

Dancing Dancing Lights

from Eric Shelley: www.EricShelley.com/Movies

Popular Feedback Video: Glowing bullets are shot out of slots every time a piano ivory is hit and are illuminating the surrounding ground.

(start that Video)

Pipe Dream 2001:

at http://www.archive.org/details/PipeDrea2001

Small bullets are shot out of trumpet like pipes in the rhythm of given music notes, are falling onto rubber ribbons, drums and sticcado (Xylophone) bars and thus are generating music.

AVI Files from Ryan Geiss:

At http://www.geisswerks.com/ryan/PROG-ANIM/

You'll find animated graphics consisting of water sculptures and canyons created by Ryan Geiss.

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The PDF Template Sheets (e.g. the Int. 10-20 System or 10-20 Electrode Positions ) may be copied, printed out and distributed or used for presentations as long as the layout is kept unmodified and in particular the source and copyrights (www.Soft-dynamics.de) stay within and are always visible. Comments and propositions for improvements are welcome.
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